Other Classics
Classics from the Americas and from Europe have been staged for Latinx cultures and adapted and re-envisioned by Latinx playwrights.
You will see links to reviews for some plays and productions. Some have buttons to press that lead to video or audio recordings. Some have images and ephemera, and others do not. This is a living, growing archive, so more will be added. See the Contact Page to find out how to contribute!
The plays are organized on the following pages by time period / region: Greek/Roman, Siglo de Oro (Spanish Golden Age), Lorca/Chekhov, Fairy Tales and Myth, and Other. Plays are then organized chronologically by year of their first professional reading OR their first production.
Most adapted are Greek and Roman plays. Latinx playwrights are adapters of myth, oftentimes Indigenous myth. But the history of Latinx theatre, as evidenced in this archive, makes clear that artists adapt all types of myth in all manner of ways. Next are adaptations and plays inspired by Siglo de Oro playwrights and writers.
Some of Latinx engagement with fairy tales are plays created for young audiences, and some are intended for adult audiences. I paired Federico García Lorca and Anton Chekhov together because of the number of adaptations and Latinx plays inspired by their works. Writing from different contexts, time periods, and in different languages, the works of these playwrights have proven to resonate with Latinx artists.
The “Other” page includes a range of authors whose works have been adapted, including French playwright Molière, Swedish playwright August Strindberg, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, and a host of other writers from John Ford to Jean-Paul Sartre to John Steinbeck.
LatinxShakespeares.Org is a non-profit site.
This is an online, living, and growing archive of Latinx Theatre Adaptation.
Please credit all artists and scholars appropriately.
Please cite the archive in your dramaturgical and scholarly research.
All images and ephemera have been posted with permission from theaters and artists.
They may not be reproduced or re-posted without permission.
I built and paid for this site myself because of my love for theatre and theatre-makers.
I will be managing it as editor and adding to it each month.
All donations go to maintenance of the site.